Up in the air

Well we're back in Kaiserslautern and life is as it should be. We've been back for almost a month now. Anika is back to school and learning about butterflies, Naomi and Maddie are in pre-school (Kindergarten), Bird is chasing them all around to different activities as well as playing more than her part in the church. I sometimes describe my role here as a fireman. I have my regular weekly program but I have times when I have to jump and go put out a 'fire' as quickly as possible. There is always something going on.

Recently we have been going through some big changes. The changes aren't quite upon us yet, but they're coming and they will bring big adjustments to our work. Let me explain.

One of our favorite people, Anna, friend and co-worker, told us in January that she would be resigning in September and looking for something else in the future. She felt her time building the discipleship school up was done and she would be moving on to greener pastures. We, of course, didn't like the decision, but respect it and bless Anna. She'll be just fine. Now her plans are to get married in October and stay around Kaiserslautern. That will be okay with us too.
Since Anna is giving up her role in the discipleship school, we will need to fill that hole as quickly as possible, this of course isn't going to be easy. Some of the requirements are specific. Please pray for this to work out.
We also have been on the periphery of one of those unpleasant debates churches sometimes go through. Herbert and Hannelore Hege, pretty much the reasons why we came to Germany in the first place, and whom our girls call thier German grandma and grandpa, have been at the center of a storm in their church in Sembach. The board of the church has decided that they cannot work with Herbert and would like to explore options for a new pastor. There is much more to this complicated story, but since we have been looking for someone to support us to bring our small church to the next level, many people think it might be a good fit for them to come to our city and work part-time while part-time in another church not far from here. This would be a welcome move for us but it brings a lot of change if it even works out at all.
Then we come to our plans for the future. When we arrived, we came with an open-ended arrangement to stay as long as God wanted us to be here. We've been through some tough times, especially at the beginning. In those times we never entertained the thought of returning to the US. Now times are easier and we are seeing amazing change in our discipleship school participants, but often catch ourselves discussing the options of life in America. I'm sure we have another two years here. But we're unsettled about the long term plans God has for our life. Roberta and I have given our lives to following and becoming more like Jesus. We have seen God lead us into roles we never thought would be possible even a few years ago. We're still sure He has a part for us to play in the future where people are being led to the cross and experiencing healing and growth. Right now we don't know the timeline and location, but feel as though something is coming. Pray for us please.

We also need to begin fundraising. If you would consider supporting us financially we could definitely use it. Regular giving would be the best way for us to make a budget, but any one time gifts would be appreciated as well. Please email me at mikelotvola@hotmail.com to work out the details. We also need people to pray for us. Over the years we have come to the point that without prayer, nothing gets done. We can spin our wheels doing activities, but without prayer, we're wasting our time. So we need prayer. Please consider taking precious time to pray for our family and our work here. Thanks.

Peace and love to all,


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