15 days later . . .

Promises, promises, promises. See I told you I was going to keep everyone up to date on the latest happenings around here. It's a few days late. So, my apologies again on the miscue. But I have good news.

Last weekend we had an epic church retreat. We piled vans and cars full of backpacks and sleeping bags and headed down the Autobahn to the tiny little country of Luxembourg. The lesser known principality actually isn't that far away from where we live, but we've only been there a couple of times and only to buy cheaper gas just over the border. The drive to the border was about an hour and a half, plus just a couple of minutes more to the retreat center we booked for a weekend getaway with our gang. We arrived and took in the beauty of the country. It was quiet. Usually we have cargo planes coming in over our heads for a landing at nearby Ramstein AFB. But in the country it was still. It felt like a bit of home away from Kaiserslautern. 

After two weeks of training and growth, our FSJ group is getting settled into life in the ElimZentrum. They all have jobs and work at different places throughout the city. They had their first week of work behind them. They were somewhat tired. But we wanted to make sure they got integrated into church life right away. We purposefully took the time to encourage them get to know the church.

We also had a good American friend of ours come to share on the topic of "the Father's heart. "How does God see his kids? What did Jesus have to say about it? What kinds of parallels can we find in the relationships around us?" Noel, our speaker talked about the longing of God's heart for his kids, the love he has (and is), and how he is always ready to offer grace and forgiveness instead of punishment. He also taught us about how God has a heart for the nations. His heart is to see the people groups of the world come to the throne of Jesus. What is our job then? Make disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey all that Jesus has commanded. And Jesus will be with us. Jesus has authorized us and sent us to make disciples. That's a load off of my shoulders. Oh how I long for the day when I get to see the sight of all the nations coming to Jesus.

My friends and co-workers in Christ: Noel and Anna

For the past few newsletters, Facebook and blog posts, we've been trying to make all of you aware of our financial situation that we find ourselves in. When we returned to Germany in August we were aware of a deficit and a lack of monthly commitments that we need to remain in country. Well, we are still behind and in need to supporters. As of this morning we had a deficit of $3,550. This is the compilation of shortages we've had over the past months. In addition to making up this deficit, we are still in need of monthly pledges in the amount of approximately $1,150.  Would you partner with us to stay in Germany? The consequences of returning would mean . . .

1) leaving our discipleship program participants without a leader.
2) pulling Anika and Naomi out of school and pre-school.
3) leaving our already thinly stretched leadership team without our help.
4) spending much needed funds on plane tickets back to the States.
As you might see. We're in a pickle. If you could, please contact our good friend Todd Johnson in Bemidji at trjohnson@midco.net.  For a one time donation, go to www.emm.org and click “Donate Online” or send contributions designated “Lotvolas”  in the memo line to EMM, PO Box 458, Salunga, PA  17538.

Please consider partnering with us so we can stay through the end of our term.

God is good.


Larissa and Roberta in the kitchen
Church goofballs

Our discipleship program participants OR "F.S.'yote'lers"


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