Time for an update . . .
So we’ve come a long way since our last sporadic update of our lives here in Kaiserslautern. I think the last you hear from us I had just had a heart attack and was looking at entering a heart rehab for a couple weeks. Time whizzes by. That was last spring, so give me your attention for a couple lines and hopefully I’ll have you up to date.
The heart problems were a surprise to our family here. I had
been in Moldova the days prior and was having some pain, so we’re grateful I
was back in Germany to get top medical care. The doctors are great here and
we’re glad for the health insurance coverage we have. I’ll never complain about
making payments ever again. So, most of June I was in an inpatient
rehabilitation therapy center specialized in heart conditions. I had cardio
health seminars, training sessions and lots of monitors. One of my goals there
was to discover my physical limits and see how far I can actually push myself
in the future. More on that later.
After I was released and back home, I had an appointment
with my house doctor. We discussed the results of the rehab, medications and
next steps. We decided I was fit enough to get back to work. I really didn’t
like the amount of down-time I had in rehab. So, I’ve been back at it and haven’t
had any problems to report. Thank God!
Then this July we thought it was time for a family get-away.
We found a small house in Alsace, France to rent for a week. We really enjoyed
getting out of town, seeing the neighboring country, going for long walks in
the countryside with the girls and getting French bread for breakfast at the
local bakery. That was a refreshing time for the whole family.
Then in the beginning of August we wrapped up our eleventh
year of discipleship teams in the Elim Zentrum. We commissioned and blessed our
team to go be awesome wherever they end up. They are Kingdom ambassadors and continue
to do well. We ended that term with mixed feelings. That was the team we had
the least interaction with. We still got to know them well, but not like
previous teams due to our sabbatical and heart issues. But the last week we
went camping together. We hiked through amazing landscapes. We cooked over a
fire. We chatted about the future. When we asked for feedback about the year, all
of our participants said that trip was one of the highlights of the year. It was
one of mine as well.
After the team left, there were three weeks to reorganize
and transition. Our beloved co-worker, Salome, had decided to move on to
greener pastures and Bird would then take over her responsibilities in an
official capacity. Bird has been amazing. I have to be honest here. I was skeptical
of how this was going to work out. Roberta has been an unpaid unofficial
co-worker for years. She is an intimate part of the disciple making team, but never
involved with writing to government officials, filling our important forms or
taking care of all the documentation that needs to take place here. But since
she’s started, she has completely put me in my place. But as you all know, Bird
is an amazing. My skepticism has been found unfounded and I have been put in my
place. We have made a healthy transition and found some new rhythms. This needed
to happen and we’re happy how God has led us through this time.
In September we welcomed the newest team to Kaiserslautern.
We started team zwölf (12) with 10 young ladies. (No guys this year!) But it has
been great. A year ago, I had no energy for our young people and this time
around it’s completely different. We’re off to a good start and hopefully as
the honeymoon phase grinds to a halt, we can continue leading the team with an
attitude of grace and truth.
I want to express our thanks for so much support over the
past months. There have been cards, emails, messages and calls to let us know
you all are thinking and praying for us. We are doing well. My physical fitness
level is better than it has been for years. I feel great. I even organized a fundraiser
recently where I wanted to test my limits and raise some money for a needed car
here. I wanted to hike as far as I could and sponsors could contribute per
Kilometer. I had two hiking companions that day and we walked 37.7 km (23.4
miles) through the local forest. It was killer, but I had no issues except for sore
feet and tight muscles the next day. My doctor is also happy to see my blood
work looks pristine. I still have to take meds, but I’m okay with that. We have
been given grace and we’re grateful for it.
Thank you for your concern and support over the last months.
We really appreciate all of the people in North America that don’t see us every
day, but pray and give to keep us here in Germany to make disciples of Jesus. It’s
Kingdom work and whatever happens to me or our family, Kingdom work needs to
continue until Jesus returns. It’s our daily prayer. “I’m yours. Use me to make
your Kingdom reality here.”
Thanks for reading until the end.
Peace and love,
Ask Me.