Stay sharp
Over the past few years I have taken over a new activity with which I can unwind and do something constructive. I need the change occasionally from writing emails, preparing seminars, and getting ready for a Sunday. So I usually take a couple hours a week to go to the garage and make something out of wood. Since we live in the middle of a big city I have chosen to go old-school and work with hand tools. With time I have accumulated a this and that, here and there. I have a drawer in my bench with a handful of planes and chisels. Who doesn't like a nice tool that is razor sharp that effortlessly does it's job?
Towards the end of the year I was also getting into a slump with God. Same old, same old. I needed to be renewed. I think most Christians at one point or another know this. Driving a car on empty is stupid. An automobile needs to be refilled now and again and so did I. So what did I do? I went to my man cave and tinkered with this and that. I would play an audio Bible in the background as I cut, shaped, and formed. But my tools seemed to be continually dull. First it was a chisel, then my nice plane wouldn't work right. Then a project I was working on had a vital part go kaput and I was pulling out my hair in frustration. Nothing was going well. I thought this was supposed to be relaxing!
So I went back into the warmth of our apartment and got out my phone. I had recently added a Bible App to it and browsed the reading plans. Then one stuck out to me. "Regain your cutting edge" was the title. I downloaded it and opened day one. There in front of me was Ecclesiastes 10:10
"If the axe is dull and the edge unsharpened, more strength is needed, but skill will bring success."
I was floored. Why hadn't I seen the parallel between my spiritual dullness and my tools in the garage? Suddenly it was obvious. As a tool in God's hand I want to be sharp and effective. I want the work to be fun instead of a drag. The sickle needs to be sharpened even during the harvest.
So since the beginning of January we've been doing really well. We're fresh, fit and the work here is fruitful. We're enjoying seeing our young people discover how awesome prayer is. When we're sharp, others want that edge as well. The work is fun and almost effortless. Big prayers are being answered. It's cool to be a part of.
But then I think back to December. Why is it such a difficult thing to take the blade back to the stone and regain the edge? It doesn't take long and can even be fun. Afterwards the work is easier. Plus, sharpening is only adds to productivity.
Stay sharp people.
Towards the end of the year I was also getting into a slump with God. Same old, same old. I needed to be renewed. I think most Christians at one point or another know this. Driving a car on empty is stupid. An automobile needs to be refilled now and again and so did I. So what did I do? I went to my man cave and tinkered with this and that. I would play an audio Bible in the background as I cut, shaped, and formed. But my tools seemed to be continually dull. First it was a chisel, then my nice plane wouldn't work right. Then a project I was working on had a vital part go kaput and I was pulling out my hair in frustration. Nothing was going well. I thought this was supposed to be relaxing!
So I went back into the warmth of our apartment and got out my phone. I had recently added a Bible App to it and browsed the reading plans. Then one stuck out to me. "Regain your cutting edge" was the title. I downloaded it and opened day one. There in front of me was Ecclesiastes 10:10
"If the axe is dull and the edge unsharpened, more strength is needed, but skill will bring success."
I was floored. Why hadn't I seen the parallel between my spiritual dullness and my tools in the garage? Suddenly it was obvious. As a tool in God's hand I want to be sharp and effective. I want the work to be fun instead of a drag. The sickle needs to be sharpened even during the harvest.
So since the beginning of January we've been doing really well. We're fresh, fit and the work here is fruitful. We're enjoying seeing our young people discover how awesome prayer is. When we're sharp, others want that edge as well. The work is fun and almost effortless. Big prayers are being answered. It's cool to be a part of.
But then I think back to December. Why is it such a difficult thing to take the blade back to the stone and regain the edge? It doesn't take long and can even be fun. Afterwards the work is easier. Plus, sharpening is only adds to productivity.
Stay sharp people.