Catching our breath
Sometimes we get tired. We need to rest a bit and catch our breath before we run the next leg of the race.
We had a long weekend here in Germany last weekend. So my brilliant wife, Roberta, booked a little vacation house for us to take our little family to. It was cheap and not far away, but nice and not in the city. Our girls are getting a little bigger and we are starting to be able to go and do things with them that were less possible a year or so ago. So when we got to the house, we unpacked the van and had a nice lunch, looked at the horizon to see a castle ruins atop a fairy-tale-esque view of the forest. That was it. We decided to walk to the castle with our ladies and enjoy the day outside in the woods. Those moments come too far and few between for me. The girls were enthusiastic too, so we left. Of course it was a tough walk and the girls were tired when we returned, but the time to tramp around in the forest was so good. Thank you Lord for days like that. We also took time to go on a short bike ride and give the girls a little practice with their bikes. Maddie didn't like the seat we put her in, but adjusted well when we got on the trail. Anika even took a long 6 km jaunt to the next village with me where Bird, Naomi and Maddie met us with the van. Not a long ride for an old vet, but for her it was somewhat of an accomplishment. We just need to get braking downhill under our belt. All of our ladies came home with bruises and scratches. Good times.
After we got home we were right into the grind. Nice. Across the street is a construction site where lots of jackhammering is necessary and loud smashing noises are common. Ahh, home sweet home. Our city is so needy. So many people wander the streets with mental illness. We try to get out and help, but there is just so much it gets overwhelming at times. I'm so grateful for times to get out of town and breath the fresh air and thank God for how good he is to us. We live in a beautiful place in a church family who loves us and we love them. We get to parent three beautiful and brilliant daughters who even pray for us. We have awesome supporters back home who sacrificially give to keep us on location. We have a group of young people who are growing and changing every day more into the image of Christ. We have a network of churches in the city who long to see transformation in our city and region. What more could we ask for? We are blessed.
That in no way means we are content with what we have. We want more breakthroughs in peoples' lives. We long for growth in our family and church family. We see the need and our hearts break for a city without a vision or hope for the future. Help us pray for more of Christ's Kingdom to come in Kaiserslautern.