Hello, Hello from the Lotvola's. We are excited to tell you that we are 1/3 of the way to Kaiserslautern. This means we have 1/3 of our budget raised. YEAH!! Thinking about our budget can be very overwhleming. We need to raise $4,034 per month. So, we wonder where all that money is going to come from. But, then we remember we have an incredible God and his warehouse is full of blessings. Now you may want to know how we are getting this money. Well, we have people who have committed to supporting us monthly, one-time gifts from people, a spaghetti dinner, and Mike had an art show (and sold a couple of pieces). It is so great to see how things are coming together. We have a long way to go, but we know that God will be faithful.

Now a little bit about our precious little girl, Anika. She has recently turned 6 months old. She is a very, very content baby!! If you would spend any time at our house, you would probably not hear much out of her, except some babble. She has perfected the art of thumb sucking, and her cheeks are getting plumper each day.


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