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Lotvola Update June 2020

Lotvola Update June 2020 It's hard to believe we are into June already. On one side it's great to know the first half of 2020 is behind us and on the other we're sure to face continual challenges in the coming months. Who would have thought this year would have developed in this way at Christmas time last year? Here's what we've been up to recently. Family In February we were able to get cheap flights to Fargo so we jumped at the chance to visit Minnesota in winter time.The girls had time off of school and we wanted to surprise a few folks. It worked. It was also incredible timing because we were still able to fly before this virus threw us into chaos. So we really enjoyed seeing our families, friends, and home church in Strawberry Lake. It was a refreshing time even if it was in the middle of a crisp Minnesota winter. The girls had never really seen that much snow and ice before and we enjoyed all the standard recreational activities with them....

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